More Information

Communication & Collaboration-

Each week a team of teachers meets up to plan together. This is called our PLC or professional learning community. During these meeting the teachers and I discuss our students and talk about their gains or shortcomings. If a student is doing well in math but not in language arts we will work together to create a plan for his or her success.

Classroom Happenings-

Right now in math we are working on addition and subtraction. Some students have moved onto two digit addition and subtraction while others are still mastering one digit equations. Students being on different levels is okay! We support each student with manipulatives or other resources  in order to help them master the skill.

Class Newsletter-

Each day the students are sent home with a behavior chart. The chart has four categories:

  • hands to self

  • transitions during group activities

  • follow directions

  • stay on task

If any students has trouble with these target behaviors they will get a note home to their parent explaining what and why that students did not meet behavioral expectations for the day.

Volunteer Information:

In the past I have volunteered at Lake Myrtle Elementary School. The classroom I spent the most amount of time in was a pre-K ASD classroom. I loved the time I spent in the classroom, and I am absolutely open to taking an ESE position in the future.